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Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge: Day 12

Day 12: Return from Rest & Recovery

I am glad that I gave myself a one day reprieve. My rest & recovery session was helpful.  I returned to the yoga studio for my 11th class of 30 feeling great!  I reduced the likelihood of burning out!  I will have to do a double session one day soon in order to successfully complete the 30 day challenge: 30 classes in 30 days!  I'm up for it!

The weather has been cold, gloomy, and a bit rainy.  Not something that we are accustomed to in San Diego!  It's definitely napping weather. I'm forgoing the naps for a 105 degree sweat-fest!

On Sunday morning my sister and I met up for our 90 minute class.  We were led by Julie.  She is an awesome person to work with.  She keeps me grounded.  Her instruction brings focus back to the sheer enjoyment of doing yoga. She invites the class to relax (even down to our facial expressions). She tells us that it's OK to smile a little!  Reminding us that the class is for us and we should enjoy it!  I love her!

My body feels so much stronger, my flexibility has increased dramatically, and I am sleeping so well!  I do need to invest in more yoga outfits!  Next time I do a challenge I'm going to have to look into getting sponsored!
