Today when I checked my blog I was pleasantly surprised. I'm am flattered & so very thankful. So join me as I "high-five" my sweet blog friend Lindsay! Visit her at Life As 5 . I love her honest posts. She's rad.

To formally accept this award you are asked to do a few things:
big HUGE Thank You to Lindsay @ Life As 5 ! I truly appreciate the mention and thank you for reading my blog.
7 things about me:

To formally accept this award you are asked to do a few things:
- First thank and link to the blogger who gave you the award.
- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Share this Award with 15 other bloggers.
- Contact these bloggers to let them know that they got the award.
7 things about me:
- I wish I had more time for blogging.
- I have scoliosis.
- I can juggle.
- I love Sundays at Church - we are in the same Church that we were married at so weekly I am reminded of that blessed day!
- I'm not such a good friend since I am horrible at keeping in touch.
- I am a middle child.
- Even before I became a Mom I loved kids and they love me (not to brag) - but kids love me. Ask my nieces & nephews!
- Ado @ Momalog She's awesome.
- Melissa @ Surviving Motherhood She "gets me".
- Cristal @ Let's Abra-Ka-Do-This She motivates me to work out.
- Janae @ Diaries of a Grumpy Grateful Mom She makes me laugh.
- Do Sweat the Small Stuff Honesty & humor. Love.
- Debi @ The TRUTH About Motherhood For my dose of Truth.
- Melissa @ A Wide Line She's a new mommy.
- Jenn @ Lily Boxing She makes me want to get sexy. Fit the right way!
- Jana @ THE MEANEST MOM Just because.
- Leah @ TOUT I like what she has to say.
- Heidi @ Sacred and Profane Read her SEX post! Honest. Love her.
- The 3 Moms @ 18 Years to Life You get 3 Mommies!
- Heather @ dooce Come on now = HERO.
- Jennifer @ The Deliberate Mom She's an early childhood educator - I can learn from her!
- Life by Cynthia Who says you can't like yourself?!
Congrats! Thanks mama- what an honor receiving an award from you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on receiving the award.Thank you so much for thinking enough of my blog to give me the award! You've made my day. I really love it that you listed me with one of my bloggy heroes...DOOCE:) You rock, Mama!
ReplyDelete@mommysankey Thank you & you're welcome - you were one of the very 1st mom blogs that I've followed. I loved how you set the spammers straight!
ReplyDelete@ Truthful Mommy Thank you! And you are welcome! Glad I made your day :)I really do enjoy your blog. Dooce = amazing right? I am a little to star struck to send her a message that I picked her for my list for the Versatile Blogger Award. Silly? LOL, I love that most of the blogs I follow are from Moms that are ahead me - I can learn from their experiences aka mistakes?!!
Thanks for calling me rad. I'm not, but i'll pretend I am the rest of the night! : )
ReplyDeleteI, too, am a middle child. I am one of those weirdo middle childs.
Congratulations on your award! As a fellow newbie, I've always considered you as a bloggy buddy! I dunno, maybe because I feel like we're on a same boat, so I feel like you could relate to me and vice versa :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your award with me! Never not happy to get another one, cos I tell ya, I'm a sucka for these things. Just confirmed how right I was to write that narcissistic little bit as one of the reasons I started blogging. Haha!
Here's a toast to our "versatility," and to many more blog years for both of us!
OMG - you are so super awesome! :) I can't believe I motivate anyone to do anything, LOL. Well since I am now a can do it! I know it seems impossible for us to get any hotter, but with all our working out, anything is possible :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your award! And, thank you for mine! I am thrilled!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that you added yourself to the list. When you're awesome there's no need to be shy about it.
I'm also a middle child, but all kids don't love me. My 7-year-old told me she wanted a new family, just last night. :)
@ Lindsay You're welcome! I'm glad you liked my use of the word "rad". Congrats on your 29 followers BTW - way better than 2000 non reading followers! Yay for you! And yay for us middle children - I'm a weirdo too.
ReplyDelete@ dosweatthesmallstuff Don't ever stop blogging! Bloggy Buddies for life! :)
@ cssolomon Yes you do motivate me! I know, huh?! Our hotness is going to lead to more Mommy-ness. I don't know if I'm ready for my #2 yet! Thanks for keeping me going!
@ Grumpy Grateful Mom I ♥ Your "Goal of the day". Hooray for the middle child! :)
Have a great weekend Ladies!
Awww! Congrats & Thank you SO much for thinking of me. :) You can totally get your sexy on, all it takes is getting your mind in the right place!! :) You're AWESOME!!
ReplyDeleteThank you!! I LOVE that you gave yourself the award again! LOL
ReplyDelete@Lily Boxing Thank you. And you are so welcome. motivate me. My mind is there most of the time - I just gotta work on getting and staying motivated. Reading your blog helps!
ReplyDelete@heidi You're welcome Heidi! Love your blog! I gotta like me right? LOL...
Thanks you ladies!
Congrats, Cynthia! And thank you so much for the mention. That really means a lot to this newbie - to blogging and mommy-ing! :) Love your blog!
ReplyDelete@ Melissa Thank YOU & you are very welcome. Welcome to motherhood! I'm kinda new too. Enjoy every second. My guy will be 1 in June - the time goes by so fast! Don't ever stop blogging.